My Personal Motherhood Mantra: Done is Better Than Perfect

motherhood mantra done is better than perfect

I am a recovering perfectionist. At times, it was difficult to let go and accept that a project was complete. I would spend endless hours tweaking and fixing to perfection. Or at times, I procrastinated because I felt unready to create perfection. If you can relate, you’re probably a perfectionist, too, or a recovering one.

I have long valued being a well-rounded woman and individual; I strive to be my best in every area of my life. At all times. While I value being well-rounded, I am learning not to color that definition with ideas that include perfection. In discussions about having it all, and balancing it all, no one seems to have an answer. Truly, without a lot of support, can anyone have it all and balance it all, at the same time?

In 2018, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and started my motherhood journey. After giving birth, my husband and I decided that I would stay home with my bundle of joy for his first year. As a first time mom with a lot to learn, I was happy to stay home and savor those special first-year moments with my little guy.

Yet my perfectionism quickly showed up in my new role as a stay-at-home mom. In my pre-motherhood days, I liked the challenge of conquering my to-do lists, but now, as you quickly learn as a new mom, I didn’t have complete control over my time. Despite my resolve to focus on being instead of doing, I silently judged myself when I did not complete tasks to perfection.

Thankfully, I learned through trial and error, and from talking to other moms that done is better than perfect. Right now, there simply isn’t enough time to get everything done perfectly, so I give myself grace. “Good enough” is enough for some tasks. Done is better than perfect. It’s my new motherhood mantra. It helps me to relax, and surprisingly, it helps me to get a lot more accomplished.